Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just a Quick Update!!

Liam finally got to go to his 6 month doctor appointment on Friday. The appointment got pushed back twice!! First Liam got a little stomach virus at the beginning of March so he could not get his vaccines until he was better. Then the Dr was going out of town for two weeks, so even though Liam will be 7 months on Thursday we made it!!! He checked out PERFECT! Like always the doctor was amazed at how tall he was! 28.5 inches (91%). He weighed in at 18lbs 12oz (54%), and his head was 45.5cm (85%). Dr Adams was very happy with his progress both in growth and developmentally!! It is awesome to hear from the doctor that WE are doing such a great job!!
Next big milestone for Liam will be his uretal surgery. For anyone that didn't know, Liam was born with Hypospadias. This is where the urethra forms on the bottom side of his penis and not in the middle. This can become an issue as he gets older, so the doctors like to take care of it between 6-12 months. I will be calling the Pediatric Urologist tomorrow to schedule a consult. Unfortunately this will mean Liam has to go under general anesthesia for surgery. I am nervous, but I have peace knowing that God will keep him safe and healthy throughout the entire procedure and recovery. I will keep you updated when the surgery will be.
We miss you all and hope to see you soon!

Here are a few pictures that I took the last few weeks!!

Getting closer and closer to crawling. Liam is scooting backwards and pushing forwards off of his he just has to figure out the arms and we will be chasing him everywhere!! Uh OH

Such a big boy sitting at the computer. Maybe he is going to buy some stocks on ETrade!!

With all the toys we give him....Liam would rather roll around on the floor and hide under blankets!! He is our little burrito!

This is his new favorite face to make!! He bites down and shakes his fists like he is mad at something. It is pretty funny. Especially when he bites down and won't let the spoon go!!

Chillin' in the Bath Tub...Liam loves to take a good bath!! He loves to SPLASH Mommy!!