Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Farmer Family

Some friends that we go to church with had a costume party last night and we dressed up as a family of farmers. Liam originally had a flannel shirt on like the whole family, but he got to hot and fussy wearing it. He also had a bandana wrapped around his neck for a bib, but that ticked him off too! Instead his bandana turned into his burp rag!! I guess we should of taken pictures before he got upset!! We waited too long! HA oh well he still looked cute in his overalls! We had a good time. It was nice to get out and socialize with our friends, and some of them have kids too so we didn't have to find a sitter! Liam got to come along! He was pretty good and we were able to stay out until about 10:30pm! Wow I know late night! haha