Sunday, October 4, 2009

Liam's Surgery

FINALLY!! It is over! Praise God!! The scariest thing Cory and I have ever had to do...hand our baby over to the doctors and nurses for his surgery, and it is DONE!!
Friday morning around 10:30am Liam was wheeled back to the OR in a little red wagon. Cory, myself, my parents, and Cory's mom waited in the waiting room, and by about 12:15pm Cory and I were able to see and hold him in the recovery room. There was a big screen that told you if he was in the OR or the recovery room and I think we all looked at it quite frequently! It was hard to wait, especially when I am so used to being the one in the OR taking care of people! Thanks to our family the time went by faster than I had expected.
Liam did well and his surgery was finished with no complications. Our doctor was wonderful as well as the rest of the Same Day Surgery staff. It feels like a huge weight off our shoulders to finally have this done. Now we just have to get him all healed up and get his catheter out on Tuesday. The doctor said that he should be feeling better by Friday, but a complete recovery won't be expected for 6 weeks. He has amazed us so far at how tough he is. Any grown man would be lying around crying and he still his happy and playful self most of the time. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, and please continue to pray for a quick and complete recovery. We will update you after our doctor visit on Tuesday!! Below are a few pictures from the big day!

Dr Liam ready for surgery!! HaHa!! Getting dressed for surgery.
The nurse did not think he would wear the hat, but he actually liked it, and paraded around the room wearing it.

Liam got to ride around in a wagon while we waited for the medicine to make him sleepy. The nurses were fighting over who got to have Liam as their patient! It was pretty cute! They were all so good with him which made it so much easier on us!!!

Liam getting kind of groggy after taking some Versed.

Loopy Liam after the medicine kicked in. He was pretty out of it.
Mommy and Liam in the recovery room right after surgery.

Liam and his Daddy snuggling in the recovery room after he finally woke up.

Liam did not like his IV and once he woke up he tried to pull it out!