Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Time has Finally Come...

Liam is finally having surgery on Friday morning at 10:45am. We went to his pre-op appointments today and we are ready to get this over with!!! It makes me sad to think about him being in pain, but I know this is something we have to do. The surgery will last about one hour and then we will be able to take him home that afternoon after he spends sometime in recovery. Please be praying for his safety and for a quick and speedy recovery!! I will keep you all up to date after his surgery and let you know how it goes!
Also, we had some family photos and Liam's One Year photos taken last Sunday afternoon. They are up on the photographers website if you would like to look at them. To get to them just click on the link below. Once there click on the group of photos on the left to enter the website, then click on clients and enter in lpeck for the password. Enjoy!!


All About Amelia said...

great pics! i love the 2nd one by the swing and the first b/w of liam on the deck/dock. he is darling!